Sunday 5 July 2015

5 Pillars of Islam

We all know how Important Pillars are for any building. a building cannot stand without its pillars. Pillars of Islam can be called the foundation of the religion of Islam. There are 5 Pillars of Islam that are considered most Important for a Muslim to follow.  These Pillars Are Shahadah (Faith), Salaah (Prayer), Zakat (Charity), Fasting and Hajj. let me discuss all of them in a little detail below.

1 Shahadah (Emaan): First Pillar of Islam is giving Shahadah testimony of faith and Having Faith Emaan in oneness of God and believing that Prophet Muhammad Saw is last Prophet of God. Faith is a thing that every person keeps in heart.

2 Salaah Prayer: Second Pillar of Islam Is Prayer Salaah that in Urdu is called Namaz. It is Obligatory on every Muslim to offer five times Salaah Daily. names of five prayers are Fajr, Duhr, Asar, Maghrib and Isha.

3 Zakaat (Charity): Third Pillar of Islam Is Zakat. Meaning of Word Zakat is purification. In Islam Zakat means helping Needy people from your health.  Zakat is given annually from your Wealth at rate of 2.5%

4 Fasting in Ramadan: Next Pillar of Islam is Fasting in the month of Ramadan. Fasting means staying away from eating and drinking from Sun Rise to Sun set. In Ramadan Muslims fast for 30 days. It is also considered the most blessed Islamic month of the year.

5 Hajj: The Fifth and final Pillar of Islam is doing Hajj at least once in your life if you have enough wealth to do so. Hajj is done in Makkah in month of Zil Hajj. if you don't have enough resources to perform hajj then its not obligatory for you.


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