Saturday 22 August 2015

10 Tips for a stronger relationship between Muslim Husband and Wife

the relationship of husband and wife is one of the most beautiful relation among all the relations which all Allah SWT has created between human beings. a husband and wife love each other and supports each other in every hard and easy time of  the life. they also become parents together. so this relation is special for many reasons. to make the relationship of marriage more stronger both the partners must keep some things in mind which will help them to avoid any trouble in their married lives.

Below are  these tips:

Don't try to control your partner: never try to control your partner and consider your spouse a slave. Instead treat your partner with equality.

Discuss before taking any decision: Discuss all the Important matters of life with your spouse before taking a decision. take him/her in confidence.

Don't be abusive: never be abusive towards your partner. this point is specially for the husbands.

Become best friend of your spouse: you should be best friend of your spouse with whom you can chill, enjoy, have fun and discuss anything.

Affection is Important: It is Important to show affection towards your partner. being loving and kind makes a relation stronger.

Appreciation is also Important: appreciate the good things about your partner. tell your partner that he/she is beautiful.

Help your wife in house works: help your wife in different tasks like cooking and cleaning.

Dress up and look attractive:  Try to dress up good and look attractive. this will attract your spouse towards you.

Control your anger: we can get angry sometimes but It is Important to keep our anger is control and don't do something bad in anger.

don't share your personal matters with third person: a husband and wife should not share their personal matters with anyone else.



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